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the adventurer

Adventurers are champions who are not knights, priests or sorcerers. They are not affiliated with knights or soldiers. They were just individuals with outstanding histories and abilities, such as treasure hunters, fighters, or even famous thieves.











the falcon of the desert


Rank : Common

Number : 0002

First Price : 0.005 ETH

Price Now : 0.005 ETH

the history

   shaha, a man known as the falcon of the desert He was a thief who plundered merchants passing between the Shukatier Kingdom and the Dinawind Kingdom.

    His robbery caused trouble for many people. No matter how much the two kingdoms sent knights to defeat him, they would not be able to deal with him. Whenever you meet shaha, the last thing you will see is desert and death.





the mad fighter


Rank : Common

Number : 0009

First Price : 0.005 ETH

Price Now : 0.005 ETH

the history

Crosnaz is a arena fighter of the Nakrove Empire. His reputation derives from his arena battles with a 100 win, 1 loss record, which he was able to defeat. Empress of the Empire For this reason, everyone honored and glorified him. But that didn't make him happy at all. He was hurt by not being able to defeat the Empress. He trains every day, fights every day, hoping that one day He will defeat the Empress for Zhong!!




the treasure hunters of the sea


Rank : Common

Number : 0004

First Price : 0.005 ETH

Price Now : 0.005 ETH

the history

Legend has it that many treasures lie beneath the Anocean seas, treasures from sunken shipping ships. Mysterious city under the sea including rare minerals and creatures That's why people who want to seek wealth come to this Anocean and are called treasure hunters!!

  larona is a treasure hunter like her father. One day her father mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind a letter. The contents of the letter tell the story of the Golden City under the sea. But the body of the letter does not tell about her father. For this reason, she sets out to find the Golden City to find clues about her father.




the thorns of the wind


Rank : Rare

Number : 0017

First Price : 0.01ETH

Price Now : 0.01 ETH

the history

At the Land of Wind-nest, a city in the north of Dinawind, this was a port city on the northern sea, yet no traveler dared to come to this place. The reason for this was not war or criminals. But it turned into a dragon!!

It is said that there was a convoy of merchants coming from other lands wishing to come and trade in this city. But before they arrived, they heard a loud roar. A large shadow moved through the misty clouds. Before appearing, a green dragon with a thorny body appeared. It roared loudly as it let out a strong snort. The wind was powerful enough to cause a huge storm before the dragon disappeared. No one knew why this dragon had to kill these merchants. This was left only with suspicion and as time went on. It became a city story. But it was believed that this dragon would return with an even crazier wind.




the king of pirates


Rank : Epic

Number : 0019

First Price : 0.05 ETH

Price Now : 0.05 ETH

the history

Marbos, the man who is the leader of the group. In the "Sea of ​​Darkness" they plunder ships carrying cargo and kill anyone who tries to escape. With the versatility of navigation and combat plus the madness of sailors ready to listen to their captain's commands. make the reputation of "Sea of ​​Darkness" is famous throughout Terruntia.

Even though their group was pirates, they would often bring wealth and food to distribute to the Anoceans because they had a rule: "Family comes first" when the townspeople are well cared for. From fear to faith, Marbos became a hero loved and revered by the townspeople. They had no idea what the wealth and food they had acquired at the cost.





the iina tribe chief


Rank : Rare

Number : 0020

First Price : 0.01 ETH

Price Now : 0.01 ETH

the history

In the cold land The tumbling snow throughout the year reveals the area dyed in a white color as far as the eye can see. The creatures that inhabited this land have adapted to the harsh environment. One of them was a tribe that had settled here since the primitive times. They called themselves the "Iina Tribe".

Crusa is the current Iina chieftain. He is responsible for hunting with a group of villagers. and take care of every situation of the tribe But one thing that made him special than the previous chiefs was that he received the blessing of ice from Venesa, which made him more resistant to cold and more powerful than the others. His duty was given to Venesa by caring for a tree known as the "Eternal Ice", a tree at the center of his tribal village that the tribe originally believed to represent the gods of the gods. ice So he took good care of him. Crusa accepted the conditions, but was fine before the Ice Maiden disappeared.





the sand inventor


Rank : Common

Number : 0022

First Price : 0.006 ETH

Price Now : 0.006 ETH

the history

Trasia was a man who grew up as a servant and gradually worked his way up until he eventually became a well-known inventor. "Inventor of the Sand"
  The things that he invented were astonishing and bizarre. It is driven by sand magic, such as a robot that is made of steel but moves fluently. Caused by a special sand magic, it flowed within as if it were the robot's blood. or even a watch that uses sand to work all the time, etc.





the fist of the sea


Rank : Common

Number : 0027

First Price : 0.006 ETH

Price Now : 0.006 ETH

the history

Sheek is one of the crew of the "Sea of ​​Darkness". He is determined and acts as a navigator for his pirate clan. In the past, he had come into contact with some cursed object. It gave him strength and ability to heal his body faster than normal people. That made him one of the famous members. with his physical abilities He would always use his force and fist to crush every enemy that came to attack his comrades. That made him known as the fist of the sea.



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